Flexible DIN rail mount enclosure

We strive to create a DIN rail mount enclosure that is designed to our customers exact needs. Our stairbox case is a unique and easy solution to get a customized enclosure with DIN rail inside, whether it is a small DIN rail enclosure or a big DIN rail enclosure. The stairbox is designed after the building block method, where you choose a frame that fits your application, and then you can choose and click on different openings that fit your connectors. This way you create your own and unice din rail mount enclosure. The stairbox allows you to make quick and radical changes in your design, without starting all over, it allows you to change only a single part of your din rail enclosure by removing the part and clicking on a new part that fits your new design. This can be done anytime in the process, also several years after you have set up your enclosure. If you are in an industry that evolves fast this is very smart, because your Din rail mount enclosure also can evolve fast.

A flexible enclosure with multiple covers in different sizes and shapes can as building blocks give you the flexibility to change with our starting all over. You can easily if the market request to more input terminals is an extra RJ45 connection just change a cover like a building block. If you have different versions like a 2 ,6 and 8 output board you have just to change one or few building blocks and you can use the same enclosure. It gives many advantages, like you have stock and buy only one enclosure that can be used for multiple products or versions. As basic you still have the possibility to choose from 1 module to 15 modules 17,5mm to 262mm width. We offer a very flexible Din rail mount enclosure. and by choosing the stairbox there are almost unlimited design options, only you set the limits for your din rail mount enclosure.

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